Friday, December 29, 2006

A Toast! To That Mouthwatering Mendoza Malbec!

Mendoza is famous for its excellent Malbec wine. The Malbec variety of grape is actually originally from the southwest of France, but it was only until it was introduced to the Argentinian winemakers that it came into its own. The climate for this grape is ideal in Mendoza, with its dry soil, more than 300 days of sun per year, and wide thermal amplitude (difference between daily temperatures) and even though it is not native to Argentina, the Argentine malbecs are known to be the best in the world. It is a red wine, normally aged in huge oak barrels for 6-18 months, with lots of structure and body, yet fruity and flavorful at the same time. (I learned how to identify and properly taste wines during the many wine tours I did every time I had a visitor) After a year of living in this place where the wine is cheaper and better than the water...I have definitely become a big fan. And...I don't know how I got so lucky, but the host family stork happened to drop me into a famila mendocina that has their own winery and orchards of peaches, apricots, cherries, plums and of course grapes in a beautiful pueblito about 2 hours south of the city at the foot of the Andes. Thus, my husband and I have had many wonderful weekends out at the finca relaxing in front of the incredible view, tasting excellent home-made wine, and even helping out with the harvest!

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